Welcome to the Best Farmer Competition!
Are you the most innovative fish farmer in Kenya? Apply now!
To boost the first professional & practical training platform for aquaculture in Eastern Africa, the Aquaculture Academy, we have set up a competition to look for the most innovative fish farmers out there. You can apply via this page until April 9, and the winner will be chosen and celebrated during the festive opening ceremony on May 7.
Through this competition, titled the Best Farmer Competition, we will connect stakeholders and accelerate knowledge sharing in the aquaculture sector. This Impact Event will launch the opening of the Aquaculture Academy on May 7, 2021. The day centres around inspiration and connection: fish farmers, students, teachers, extension workers, NGO’s, local media, and representatives of private and public institutions get a chance to meet and share ideas. Events such as this are essential for coordination within the value chain and between counties. To reward the most innovative fish farmers and share their inspirational views and actions, the Best Farmer Competition rewards the best fish farmers with free participation in the Aquaculture Academy training program.
Continue reading for awards, agenda, the jury, and more.
Missed our workshop? Watch the recording here:
We are looking to create ambassadors for the Aquaculture Academy. By entering into this competition, you will receive support and coaching from industry leaders, leading to life-long valuable skills. You are also connected to like-minded innovators contributing to the ecosystem of aquaculture in Eastern Africa.