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Working together is more than the sum of its parts
Working together is more than the sum of its parts

Healthcare and Community Training in Kenya
Healthcare and Community Training in Kenya

Study on Tilapia Aquaculture and Genetics - Where Genetics meets Ecology
Tanzania: Study on Tilapia Aquaculture and Genetics - Where Genetics meets Ecology

Official opening of the demonstration fish farm in Tanzania
Official opening of the demonstration fish farm in Tanzania

Sustainable Development Goals vision by FoodTechAfrica
FoodTechAfrica's vision for the future of aquaculture in East-Africa is closely aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Read our vision.

SDG 2 Zero Hunger
Hunger is still a pressing issue in the East-African region. Not only do many still suffer from undernourishment, the hidden hunger of malnourishment further affects millions.

Tanzanian aquaculture sector offers opportunities for Dutch public and private sector
The Netherlands embassy in Tanzania has commissioned an aquaculture report to identify the key development opportunities for Tanzania’s aquaculture sector and the potential for Dutch public and private sector.

Driving aquaculture growth in Kenya
FoodTechAfrica is a public-private partnership of 17 companies and universities which improves food security in East Africa through the establishment of a fully integrated aquaculture value chain.

SDG 4: Quality Education
Key to quality education is ensuring the gained knowledge provides opportunities for life. In East-Africa, there is often a mismatch between the education provided and the job market requirements.

Demonstrating Dutch sustainable aquaculture in Tanzania
The Tanzanian aquaculture sector has great potential. The market demand for fish is overwhelming however not fully met by supply. This presents a business opportunity for fish farming.

A regional approach for aquaculture
Following FoodTechAfrica activities in Kenya, a RAS fish farm model has been developed that can work in the East African region. This system will also be applied in Rwanda for the purpose of demonstration.

SDG 5: Gender Equality
In East-Africa, gender equality is still far from achieved. Although women are highly involved in the agricultural sector, they often do not have decision power or land ownership.

A regional approach for aquaculture
Following FoodTechAfrica activities in Kenya, a RAS fish farm model has been developed that can work in the East African region. This system will also be applied in Uganda for the purpose of demonstration.

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Within East-Africa, the number of unemployed or poorly employed people still remains high, especially for those who are young. Often employed in the informal sector,many are facing difficulties to earn a living

The future of fish farming in Kenya
The demand for and production of fish in Kenya is quite high. In general, too little fish is available to serve the local market. A surprise, since Kenya borders Lake Victoria which has been a source of fish.

SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
East-Africa is experiencing a true industrialization drive. Many of the individual governments have made industrialization the spearhead of their policy, aiming to reach middle-income status or beyond.

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Talk of the global population reaching 10 billion by 2050 has been around for some time. Yet, this statistic actually hides the source of this growth, and its implications.

SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
East-Africa is experiencing a true industrialization drive. Many of the individual governments have made industrialization the spearhead of their policy, aiming to reach middle-income status or beyond.

Opening of the first recirculation-based fish farming system in Rwanda by FoodTechAfrica
On June 11th, 2019, Ambassador of the Netherlands: Frédérique de Man opened the first demonstration recirculation aquaculture system (RAS) farm in Rwanda.

Africa’s first certified fish farm with EcoMark Africa label
Kamuthanga fish farm has become the first to receive the EcoMark Africa label by the African Organisation for Standardisation (ARSO).

Climate is changing. Food and Agriculture must too.
On World Food Day 2018 we asked ourselves the question: How do we take action for SDG goal 2: Zero hunger?

FisHub, a recirculating aquaculture system for Africa
In 2017, a standalone Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) was specially developed for aquaculture in Africa.

Fish feed factory opened in Nairobi
Hon. Willy K. Bett, EGH, and Frans Makken officially opened the Unga Holdings Ltd fish feed factory in Nairobi, Kenya.

A blue revolution for East Africa
Blog Wouter van Vliet: Farming fish instead of ‘hunting’ for it, in the wild.

FoodTechAfrica joins the Kenya Market-led Aquaculture Program
FoodTechAfrica joined the ‘Kenya Market-led Aquaculture Program’ (KMAP) implemented by Farm Africa and funded by the Dutch Embassy in Kenya.

FoodTechAfrica honored as most successful Public-Private Partnership 2016
The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Punchy Pack and the Dutch Development Bank (FMO) has selected FoodTechAfrica as the successful ongoing Public-Private Partnership at ‘de Partnership Verkiezing’