Ensure sustainable consumption and production pattern
Consumption and production in East-Africa
Talk of the global population reaching 10 billion by 2050 has been around for some time. Yet, this statistic actually hides the source of this growth, and its implications. Africa and Asia will contribute the lion’s share of this new headcount and as a result face potentially catastrophic food shortfalls unless a dramatic boost in productivity can be achieved.
“Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns”
Our contribution
We seek to fundamentally disrupt unsustainable production patterns by locally producing fish for local consumption, with minimal environmental impact. With water and land becoming even more scarce resources, fish farming should minimize the use of these resources.
The recirculation aquaculture system (RAS) design of FoodTechAfrica is the most efficient method currently available to produce fish in the region. Sourcing locally and exploring alternative types of proteins for aquafeed is a key part of our approach to a sustainable value chain.
By producing close to the market, post-harvest losses are minimized. As recognition of its sustainability, the Kamuthanga fish farm of FoodTechAfrica has been the first farm on the African continent to be awarded the EcoMark Africa certification at the platinum level, the highest of four certification levels.