Decent work and economic growth
Employment in East-Africa
Within East-Africa, the number of unemployed or poorly employed people still remains high, especially among those who are young. Often employed in the informal sector, many are facing difficulties to earn a decent living wage.
“Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth,
full and productive employment and decent work for all”
Our contribution
FoodTechAfrica has provided direct job opportunities for over 550 employees by our work so far. By providing training, high-quality inputs and through stimulating entrepreneurship, the initiative has created many more indirect income opportunities. Those trained and employed at the different locations are primarily youth, who have learned the skills needed for a lifelong career. Looking ahead, the aquaculture industry in East-Africa has the potential to propel sustainable economic growth through innovation and the creation of SMEs.
”When it comes to income generation and job creation, working with the private sector has proven to be so much more effective and sustainable.”
H.E. Frans Makken, Dutch Ambassador to Kenya